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Prevent Clogs with Smart Drain Care in Calgary, AB

Things you shouldn't be pouring down your drain - A drain

Living in Calgary means we’re no strangers to the quirks of our weather, from chinooks that can melt a snowstorm overnight to sudden cold snaps that make us wonder why we put away our winter gear. Just like we adapt our routines to this ever-changing climate, we also need to adjust some habits when it comes to our home plumbing. Specifically, there are certain things we should never pour down our drains if we want to avoid calls for drain cleaning in Calgary, AB.

Things to Keep Out of Your Drains

When it comes to maintaining our homes in Calgary, taking care of our plumbing system is as crucial as preparing for our unpredictable weather. Just as we wouldn’t leave home without an umbrella during spring or without a snow shovel ready for winter, we also need to be mindful of what goes down our drains to prevent the need for emergency drain cleaning. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common culprits that threaten the health of our plumbing:

  • Grease and Oil: After enjoying a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, pouring the leftover grease down the sink might seem like the easiest cleanup method. However, once grease cools, it solidifies, clinging to the pipes and creating a sticky trap for other debris. Over time, this buildup can lead to significant blockages that disrupt your home’s plumbing.
  • Coffee Grounds: It’s a morning ritual for many Calgarians to brew a pot of coffee to kickstart their day. However, disposing of coffee grounds in the sink is a no-go. Unlike most liquids, coffee grounds don’t dissolve in water. Instead, they accumulate, eventually forming a dense, sludgy blockage that can be challenging to clear without professional help.
  • Eggshells: A common misconception is that eggshells are good for your garbage disposal, supposedly helping to sharpen its blades. In truth, eggshells’ sharp, hard edges can get lodged in your pipes, while the membrane layers can wrap around the disposal’s shredder ring. Over time, this can impair your disposal’s effectiveness and clog your pipes.
  • Produce Stickers: Those tiny stickers on fruits and vegetables might seem inconsequential, but they’re designed to be durable and don’t break down in water. If they find their way into your sink and down your drain, they can stick to the sides of pipes and contribute to blockages, especially if they catch other debris.
  • Medications: Flushing unused or expired medications might appear to be a safe disposal method, but it’s harmful to our water supply. Medications can pass through water treatment processes and enter our rivers and lakes, posing a risk to aquatic life and potentially coming back into our drinking water. The City of Calgary encourages residents to return unused medications to pharmacies for safe disposal.

We can significantly reduce the risk of clogs by paying attention to these common household items and ensuring they are disposed of properly—whether in the trash, a compost bin, or a recycling center—and maintaining a smooth-running plumbing system. This proactive approach saves us from the inconvenience and expense of emergency drain cleaning and contributes to the overall well-being of our Calgary community’s environment.

Why Drain Care Matters

Keeping these items out of your drains isn’t just about avoiding the inconvenience of a clog; it’s about protecting your home’s plumbing system and ensuring it works smoothly for years to come. Regular drain cleaning in Calgary, AB, can help maintain your drains, but prevention is always the best strategy.

When to Call the Pros

Even with the best intentions, clogs can happen. Maybe it’s a buildup over time, or perhaps a big clog happened all at once. That’s when you need to call in professionals like Precision Plumbing. We have the tools and expertise to safely remove clogs without damaging your pipes. Plus, we can offer tips for keeping your drains clear in the future.

Keep Calgary's Drains Clear

Living in Calgary comes with its own set of challenges, but keeping our drains clear doesn’t have to be one of them. By being mindful of what goes down our drains and taking action to prevent clogs before they start, we can avoid the hassle and expense of emergency drain cleaning. And remember, for all your drain cleaning needs in Calgary, AB, Precision Plumbing is here to help. Whether routine maintenance or an unexpected clog, we’re just a call away, ready to ensure your home’s plumbing is in top shape.

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